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Penn State PILOT lab & Monash Law present
a conference about building a future that centers human thriving.

Location: Zoom and Decatur House, Lafayette Square, NW corner, Washington DC


April 4, 2024

10:00am -  Welcome 

Dean Danielle Conway, Penn State Dickinson Law
Prof. Chris Marsden, Monash Law
Prof. Andrea Matwyshyn, Penn State Law & Engineering

10:10am - Opening Remarks:  Prof. Andrea Matwyshyn

10:15am - Technical Introductions: "AI" Policy Fact and Fiction   
Erie Meyer, CFPB
Stephanie Nguyen, FTC

10:45am -  Panel 1: Transforming Education

Prof. Mary Helen Dupree, Georgetown University, German Studies  

Prof. Miranda Mowbray, University of Bristol, Computer Science

Prof. Xuan-Thao Nguyen, University of Washington Law

Prof. Michael Veale, University College London Law

12:30   -  Lunch Keynote:  Dr. Aftin Ross, U.S. Food and Drug Administration​​
Introduction by Tyrone Williams, Penn State SIA (MA'04)

1:00 pm   -  Panel 2: Enhancing Health and Well-Being 

Prof. Margaret Little, Georgetown University, Philosophy

Jessica Wilkerson, U.S. Food and Drug Administration

2:30pm   -  Panel 3: Stewarding Resources

Prof. Felecia Davis, Penn State Architecture

Prof. Mar Hicks, University of Virginia, Data Science

Kati Daffan, U.S. Federal Trade Commission

Christian Woolley, [agency redacted]

5:15pm   -  Panel 4:  Avoiding Dystopia & Sad/Happy Hour​
Prof. Joel de Lara, Georgetown Ethics Lab
Michael Antonino, [agency redacted]/ former PILOT lab fellow
RoRo, [agency redacted] & Josh Corman, former [agency redacted]/PILOT affiliate

April 5, 2024

9:30am   -  Breakfast​​

10:15am   -  Opening Remarks:
Prof. Chris Marsden, Monash Law

10:30am  - Panel 5: Advancing the Humanities and Social Sciences

Prof. Alexandra Staub, Penn State, Architecture

Prof. Paul Burgess, Monash Law

Prof. Jonathan Cave, University of Warwick Economics

Prof.  Lilian Edwards, University of Newcastle Law

12:15pm    -  Tour of Decatur House & Slave Residence

1:00pm   -  Lunch Keynote:  Leonard Bailey, U.S. Department of Justice 

1:30pm    -  Panel 6: Empowering Through Digital Innovation

Prof.  Julie Cohen, Georgetown Law
Prof.  Gerard Goggin, Western Sydney University, Institute for Culture and Society 

Prof. Margaret Hu, William & Mary Law

Prof.  Michael Madison, University of Pittsburgh Law

2:45pm    -  Salmagundi and Summation


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