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Panel 1: (start - 1:07:15)
Digital Services Acts and Omissions
Chair: @ChrisTMarsden
Speakers: @alieliale @1Br0wn @cyberleagle Tim Cowen (Preiskel)
Panel 2: (1:07:16 - 1:51:43)
Trusted Autonomous Systems
Chair: Chris Marsden
Speakers: Professor Burkhard Schafer; Dr Phoebe Li; Dr Lachlan D. Urquhart
Panel 3: (1:51:44 - 2:37:55)
Infodemic: Big Tech's Weakest Arguments
Chair: by Dr Andres Guadamuz
Speakers: Maria Farrell, Chris Marsden, Elettra Bietti, Andrea Matwyshyn
Panel 4: (2:37:56 - end)
"The short 21st century" Internet fragmentation because....
Chair: Professor Andrea Matwyshyn @amatwyshyn
Speakers: Professors Jon Crowcroft, Derek McAuley, Lilian Edwards
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